Marley was dead...
Before I began this blog, I began planning to knit the Marley's Ghost Scarves from for my fellow Quartet members in A Christmas Carol. As you can see from the photo above, I did knit them! They've been hibernating for months now in my closet, waiting for closing night (our traditional night for gift-giving.) They were a hit, I think - and when I was having our photo taken (I'm wearing the chain I made for my daughter after she fell in love with the chains I was making,) our actor playing Marley jumped in with us. All those chained actors should stick together, eh? Today was our closing matinee and here they are in all their glory! Barbara, our Soprano, chains herself and her little mink "friends" with her soft pink chain. Me - hot stuff in my hot pink chain. Our tenor, Tim, struck a pose immediately upon opening his chain. Robin, my partner and our booming Bass in his gray chain, which fashionably matches his top hat.